Saturday, October 15, 2011

Family pictures

Time for the yearly family pictures. Hope I will look okay, even though I need to do some new highlights. Talked with Ashlyn about it and she works at a hair designer, maybe I will ask her do it? My plans for today was to take pictures, then hang out with Ashlyn, go to the movie and just have a great day, but my throat is bothering me :(. It started Wednesday after soccer try out, then it got worse when I practice Turesday. (I know that it's not good to practice with a sore throat, but it was try out so what could I do? Some hot vanilla tea (my favorite) with honey and everything will be okay ;). It is by the way 4 hours until the soccer team it's published on black board, fun!

Alex, me and Grant!


  1. Viktoria!You know that it´s very bad for you to exercise when your throat is sored, never do that again. It can be dangerous....think about that! Love from mum

  2. Wow vilken blick.. ;) Du är min lilla cooling! :) Puss

  3. Haha! Har jobbat hårt på den ;) Puss
